Braemar and Crathie Parish Teams
Five dedicated Teams cover all aspects of Parish life and Mission.
Community Life and Wider Mission Team -
Social events, parish sales, café, tourist outreach, Guild, Parish Development Fund Project, Eco-congregation, World Mission charitable projects, website.
Fabric and Property Team -
Updating property register, maintaining church property, fabric and furnishings, dealing with tradesmen and contractors. Health and Safety issues, Public Liability licence, Property Insurance and Public Entertainment.
Finance and General Purposes Team -
Support for the treasurer in preparing accounts, OSCR, prepare and agree budgets in consultation with other teams including contingency funding, monitoring financial performance of teams, encouraging congregation
Pastoral Care Team -
Training, commissioning of parish visitors and pastoral carers, co-ordinating visits to the sick, elderly and house-bound. Identifying members of the congregation who wish/would benefit from a visit from the minister.
Worship and Spiritual Nurture Team -
—arrangements for Services, music, Bible Study and Prayer Groups, Sunday School and Child Protection, Elder Training.
For further information on the above Teams, please Email: